
Ocean is a DOOH media company, facilitating digital connectivity in the OOH world. They practice “The Art of Outdoor®” by creating inspirational new experiences for today’s aspirational brands. As a long-term investor in Salesforce had a managed service with an incumbent supplier who had recently been acquired by a global technology provider. Ocean Outdoor had felt that they had lost the personal and high-quality service originally provided and needed some straightforward guidance and support on moving their platform from legacy Salesforce “Classic” to the newer Lightning UX.


Following a Landscape Review, we made a number of recommendations along with a concise project plan and roadmap to a) move them from classic to lightning, b) provide a managed service support offering which included supporting their everyday sales operation and custom integration with their core advertising system. The result was a very successful migration from classic to lightning at relatively low cost, and a package of monthly support which covered a maximum number of hours or incidents, delivering peace of mind to the system stakeholders.

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