
Upcoming Webinars

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On Demand Webinars

If you would like a link to watch any of our historical webinars, please contact enquiries@cognition24.com and we will send a link. For confidentiality reasons, we cannot make many of these recordings public.

Webinar Leads
22 November 2023

RevOps – Increase your Revenue Potential!

Revolutionise your approach to revenue operations with our upcoming webinar with Rob Soffel, our RevOps lead! Join us for an immersive journey into the dynamic world of Revenue Operations (RevOps) – the driving force behind synchronised and efficient revenue generation. In this webinar, Rob will unravel the core principles, strategies, and transformative technologies that are reshaping businesses and unlocking their true revenue potential.

Don’t miss out on the chance to stay ahead in the competitive landscape of modern business.  Join us for this transformative webinar and revolutionise the way you approach revenue operations.

Two people working on a stats document
22 November 2023

Achieving Financial Stability – Coming Soon!

With the future business climate uncertain, and many businesses searching for stability, financial and otherwise, we are looking for a way to respond to these challenges, in an agile way, being adaptable to changing conditions. This Q&A is hosted by Raymond Holt, Managing Director of Agnentis Partners and former Financial Director.

City skyline at night
21 November 2023

Falter, Survive, Revive and Thrive, Lessons from 9/11 with Clive Triance

In this extraordinary and deeply insightful webinar, we have the privilege of hearing from a true hero of resilience and leadership, Clive Triance, the former Chief Operating Officer of Cantor Fitzgerald during the harrowing events of 9/11. This exceptional session will provide a unique opportunity to gain a firsthand account of Clive’s remarkable experiences, showcasing his unwavering determination, extraordinary leadership, and unparalleled fortitude during a day of unimaginable tragedy.

Join us in this remarkable webinar as Clive Triance shares his profound experiences, allowing us to learn from his wisdom and resilience. Prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and equipped with invaluable leadership lessons that are not only relevant in times of crisis but can also transform how you approach leadership in your own professional and personal life.

Fish jumping out of bowl
21 November 2023

A world in change, multiple roles, expectations and challenges

A webinar with Keezia Obi from Teleios, Ruth Morris from Rema Consulting and Vicky Bradford from Cognition24.

Ruth is a very experienced executive coach who also delivers senior leadership development programmes in a range of sectors, internationally. She is committed to helping her clients achieve their career goals and aspirations, find fulfilment in their work, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. In essence, she helps her clients to be the best leaders they can be. Ruth is CEO of Rema Consulting, has a Master’s Degree in Leadership Development and is an accredited life and career coach.

Fish jumping out of bowl
21 November 2023

A world in change, our response to those in unchartered waters

Teleios, a leader in the field of Change Leadership, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the forefront.

Their unique blend of visionary thinking, practical strategies, and a deep understanding of the dynamics of change will empower you to navigate the ever-evolving business landscape with confidence and agility.

Webinar Sales with rocket
21 November 2023

Certinia: Sales vs Finance Webinar 3, moving forward the role of the CFO

If sales and finance both want to grow the business, how can you improve processes to ensure that everyone works together as a team to achieve that goal? In the last of a series of three webinars hosted with our partner at Certinia, we’re joined by Stewart Monk, VP & General Manager EMEA at FinancialForce and Raymond Holt, Managing Partner of Agnentis and former Financial Director of Odgers Berndtson.

We’ll discuss the following:

Q1. For what seems like forever, the role of Finance Directors and Finance teams has been that of policemen. How do you envisage this changing?

Q2. What do you see as the challenges ahead for the role of Finance to make this change?

Q3. What do you think this means for the relationship and interaction between Finance and Sales?

Q4. Do you see any specific challenges in how Finance will need to interact with Sales? Q5. How can technology assist Finance Directors and Finance Departments in making the change in their roles.

Webinar Sales with rocket
21 November 2023

Certinia: Sales vs Finance Webinar 2, commerciality, business design and governance

In this webinar, we show that by working in partnership with Sales, Finance teams can design and build a better, more profitable business. We will look at:

– The way sales and finance currently interact; the challenges, the frictions and our experiences.

– The options and solutions to bring a common business approach to how sales and finance can work together, without each losing their identity.

Webinar Sales with rocket
19 November 2023

Certinia: Sales vs Finance Webinar 1, current situation, relationships, and challenges

In this webinar, we’ll discuss the relationship, challenges and culture between finance and sales. We’ll look at how sales and finance currently interact, the challenges ahead, and the potential friction through our knowledge and experiences.