Vicki Bean – Market Development Manager

We recently worked with Cognition24 to implement Salesforce into our organisation. As an NHS provider we were not looking for a ‘Sales’ system, our primary focus for our CRM was to support with our stakeholder management, as well as somewhere to keep information about tenders and potential areas for development. Cognition24 have been great, they really took the time to understand our organisation and what we really needed from a system. They also got to grips with the idiosyncrasies of the NHS (including the million acronyms) and replicated these within Salesforce to best work for us, regularly checking that we were seeing the outputs and information that we needed, in a user friendly format! Every single person we have come into contact with from Cognition24 has been helpful, personable and approachable and I would most definitely recommend them for your CRM needs!

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