Choosing a Salesforce Implementation Partner

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) such as Salesforce, captures data and shares a single, 360-degree view of your customer and stakeholders, making it an essential tool to help your business.  Initially, many small businesses have their own customer management system in place so don’t engage with a Salesforce Implementation partner. But managing multiple spreadsheets and custom-built apps can be timely, also it’s highly likely that spreadsheets or free versions of CRM tools weren’t designed and built with security in mind.  If you’d prefer to avoid security risks and feel your time would be better spent focused growing your business, then a CRM implementation partner like Cognition24 would help achieve this.

Cognition24 has the business and technical knowledge to help you design a Salesforce CRM system that supports your organisation and the way you work.

A Trusted Salesforce Implementation Partner

Salesforce is an investment in the future of your business; and implementation is a lot more than signing a license agreement and creating user accounts.

As your implementation partner, and working with the Salesforce solution, Cognition24 will get your CRM system up and running and make your new tools a seamless part of your day-to-day business operations.

Cognition24 combines technical expertise with business experience. Implementation isn’t just about creating user passwords and assigning account privileges. It’s about understanding a business and designing workflows and processes that fit around the way that business works.

Cognition24 has:

  • Experience of working with different industry verticals – finance, insurance, hi-tech, pharma, public sector and NHS.
  • Skills to customise your CRM to give the best value to your business.
  • Knowledge of best practices to avoid costly mistakes.
  • The foresight to integrate your new system into your business with regular check-ins and training sessions. (Even the best, most thoughtfully designed CRM implementation won’t help if your employees don’t use it!)

What does a CRM implementation look like?

Installing and configuring Salesforce is a big part of the implementation, but this is only part of it. To ensure you get the most from Salesforce’s CRM software solution, Cognition24 also works with you to:

  • Set goals for the implementation and break these down into manageable phases.
  • Analyse how you work and how CRM can support and improve your internal processes.
  • Design workflows, integrations, and page layouts (employee experiences) that are both easy to use and give your team the information and tools they need, when they need them.
  • Create a rollout plan that promotes internal adoption of the new tools.

Salesforce Implementation Goals 

No matter how large or small — or how simple or complicated — your Salesforce CRM, Cognition24 will help you plan short- and long-term implementation goals.

Short-term implementation goals are about getting your system designed, up and running, and training staff to use the new tools.

Long-term implementation goals focus on the ongoing value your new CRM provides. Beyond the early goals of “Does the system work? Are people using it?” – long-term implementation looks at the ongoing effects of the tools on your business. The long view also accounts for reviewing and tweaking workflows, integrations, and other aspects of the system to better achieve companywide goals over time.

Many successful CRM rollouts are combinations of short- and long-term implementations. Combine immediate goals – getting the tech up and running and hitting adoption targets –with a longer-term understanding that your CRM will evolve over time as your business grows.

Acknowledging up front that CRM is a long-term investment in your business makes it all the more likely that you’ll see returns on that investment later on.

No matter where you are on your Salesforce journey, our expert team of Salesforce consultants can help. Whether you are evaluating Salesforce or are an experienced team in need of additional support, we can either augment your existing team or fully manage the project.

We have the resources, skills, knowledge and understanding to maximise your Salesforce implementation and investment. Find out more

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