The fast track to making smarter business decisions

By Bobby Singh, Sales Director

So, you’re wondering how to get more out of your data to be able to make smarter business decisions and become an ‘intelligent enterprise’. Perhaps you’ve already sunk a lot of time and budget into your Salesforce tech and it’s not living up to the initial promise. Or maybe you have a specific business problem you want to solve and you’re wondering how Salesforce can help you do that.

Whatever your challenge, opting for a Landscape Review, conducted by our experts at Cognition 24, is a low-risk way of helping to solve those kinds of problems.

Want to know more? Here, I’ve answered three common questions to give you a better idea of what it’s all about and how we can help.

What happens when you do a Landscape Review and how will it help my business?

The most important thing for us is that, before moving to any kind of solution or tech-talk, we’ll take a good look at your organisation to understand how it works and what you’re trying to achieve. Then, and only then, will we start to consider how your technology can support this, by building a roadmap towards the outcome you’re aiming for.

Obviously, we have to be realistic here. If you’re hoping to become the next Amazon within a year, we probably can’t help you. But if you’re looking for an outcome that involves understanding and serving your customers better, delivering a better experience for them and your employees, making better decisions based on real-time accurate data, or being able to pivot your business quickly to help make it through the tough economic conditions most of us are currently experiencing – a Landscape Review is a good place to start.

Isn’t it expensive?

No. Our main aim is to create value for your business, so we expect all our reviews to deliver a good ROI. What’s more, the beauty of this approach is that it’s entirely scalable to fit your needs and your budget. Right at the smallest end it could be, perhaps, a simple examination of your sales process and how technology is supporting it (…or not, as the case may be).

For example, it’s amazing how often we see businesses who switched to Salesforce several years ago but have just stood still with it – which is crazy. The beauty of Salesforce software is that, as a cloud (SaaS) solution, it’s continually updated so users can benefit from improvements all the time. Yet lots of organisations don’t take advantage of those updates. With a Landscape Review from us, we can quickly identify those gaps and show you how to get the best out of the latest releases.

Why choose Cognition 24 to do this for us?

Quite simply, we focus on outcomes. We make sure we never lose sight of the endgame you’re trying to achieve and the bigger picture, rather than getting lost in the weeds or being ‘solution-first’. Then we find the gaps and work out the technology solutions required to achieve that.

I also like to think we’re a down-to-earth and friendly bunch of people – and businesses we’ve helped often tell us we’re a pleasure to work with. I’m always delighted to hear that, as we believe strongly in building partnerships with our customers to help them find the intelligence required to get where they want to be.

Interested in finding out more?

If you’d like to find out more about how our Landscape Review Services can help turn your organisation into an intelligent enterprise, get in touch now and we’d love to have a chat.

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